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From 22-25 November 2021 Karen Whitelock and I had the huge honour of facilitating the PV stream of the ARCS Workforce and Capacity Summit. The purpose of the Workforce and Capacity Summit was to generate ideas and develop action plans from the various workforce streams to address the skilled workforce shortfall in the sector. The shortage of a skilled workforce has become critical across the MTP sector, exacerbated by the restrictions on international travel due to the pandemic. The lack of professional standards has contributed to a lack of consistency in the recruitment and development of talent. However, the pandemic has only exposed a problem which ...
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The regulatory world has had a huge upheaval in the last few years, starting back before the COVID-19 pandemic with the publication of the European Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR). Even with the delay of the implementation of the MDR by a year, it has been an incredible drain on resources globally, often pulling the best talent within organisations into MDR transition project teams and restricting growth in non-EU regulatory functions due to budget constraints in an uncertain period for many companies due to COVID-19. The impact on medical device companies cannot be overstated, and the resource and ...